Meet Kathy and Rochelle
Who We Are

Kathy Good
Kathy was first introduced to yoga by Rochelle, in a Las Vegas hotel room, where Rochelle showed her how to do sun salutations. At the time, Kathy was training for a half marathon and decided to take some yoga classes when she returned to help her stay healthy and uninjured during her training. She continued taking various yoga classes from Hatha to flow, for many years. That grew in to something that would be with her forever!
In January 2019 a friend and mentor of Kathy’s hosted a 300hour yoga teacher training in her home. Nervous that she wasn’t flexible enough, or a strong enough yogi, Kathy jumped into the course with her fingers crossed that she was making a good decision. She quickly learned that if you were alive, you could be a yogi. There are no rules for flexibility or strength. Initially, Kathy took the training to improve her own home practice. She quickly realized she had a passion for teaching and helping others get out of their own heads when it came to their yoga ability.
Kathy is grateful for her two wild and energetic kids, Aislin and Fynn, along with her very athletic husband Ryan. Kathy’s practise helps her be more patient and grounded as she is a Paramedic with Alberta Health Services. Since finishing her yoga teacher training Kathy has taught friends and family yoga in her backyard. Kathy is an absolute lover of the outdoors and finds that Yoga in the outdoors, amongst the trees and singing birds, is one of the best ways to connect to oneself and relax.
Yin yoga is the style Kathy prefers to share with the world, but she also teaches some yin/yang style classes to help her students get a balance of both strength and stretch. During this retreat Kathy will be offering Yin yoga. A style that helps our body’s facia to release by holding poses for 1-10 minutes. It is often referred to as meditative yoga, since you are with yourself.
Rochelle Beaujot
Rochelle has had a passion for fitness from an early age, whether she was playing volleyball, swimming or being a gymnast, she has always embraced physical activity. Rochelle’s love of adventure and being outdoors has always inspired her to try new things and embrace new opportunities. She believes there is a fundamental link between our physical, mental and emotional health and that by embracing new experiences we can have harmony in all three
This passion for the betterment of our whole person has inspired Rochelle to pursue a career in fitness and although this career is new to her, she has always enjoyed learning about the body, it’s movements and how each part of the body ties to the next with a subtlety that is often mind boggling.
Rochelle grew up in the water and spent her high school summers life guarding and teaching swimming lessons. When she completed university, she really invested her time in learning about fitness, taking gymnastics courses in different parts of Canada, and taking movement and strength courses from Ido Portal and Odelia Goldschmidt. Rochelle recently was certified in Personal Training through CanFitPro and is certified in CPR.
Rochelle is constantly in awe of her two young kids, who’s energy never wanes and of her husband who is always pushing boundaries in his own career. Rochelle’s family plays a huge role in her fitness journey and she stays active to keep up with them, stay mentally healthy and to show her kids that strong women don’t need to back down from a challenge. She wants her kids to know they can set their own goals and boundaries and live a life of joyful confidence.
Joyful confidence is one of many of the skills you will be learning on this adventure. Rochelle wants to give you an appreciation for staying young at heart by experiencing new things or diving deeper into something you already enjoy. As we get older there is less focus on “play” and Rochelle sees this as a vital part in keeping our minds and bodies healthy. She loves adventures and exploring new things and this retreat is her way of sharing those things with you. She would love for you to join the retreat with an open mind and heart and experience the world around you with a sense of wonder.
Rochelle looks forward to sharing her passion for fitness with you in beautiful Bucerías, Mexico and can’t wait to see you all there!